Monday, March 1, 2010


(BGFL stand for Birmingham Grid for Learning)

This is my results:

In my opinion, i feel that this test is a very good platform for me to identify the most and least suitable studying technique. I believe that each and everyone of us can never judge his own strengths the most accurately, and therefore, tests like this one are created to aid us to move the correct path. According to my results, my strongest point is interpersonal( people smart). I was expecting my highest to be musical but it turned out to be interpersonal. This certainly proves that what i thought was wrong, and it is corrected by the BGFL test. Also, with the test results, i would try to improve the methods of studying which i am weak at, that includes linguistic. Moreover, I will use my best studying method to study efficiently.

However, i feel that this test also has its minor flaws. As this is a MCQ(multiple choice question) test, the options given, for example, 'sometimes like me' and 'a bit like me', these two terms varies for different people. Some might feel that 'a bit' refers to not common, while others may think that it refers to occasional. This will result in a slightly unreliable result.

In a nutshell, even though the BGFL test, to me, has some minor flaws, it is a very adequate test for us to realise our strengths and weakesses.

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