Monday, May 10, 2010


This post is very unique, because is about a very special topic, which is whistling.
I always thought that whistling was just blowing air through your lips. But, actually, after checking websites i found out that "whistling is the production of sound by means of carefully controlling a stream of air flowing through a small hole. Whistling can be achieved by creating a small opening with one's lips and then blowing air out of the hole or sucking air into the hole."( The sound can also be altered by changing the positions of your tongue and lips, and even your teeth.
Whistling can actually be considered music. I guess not many of us actually realised that. The sound of whistling is actually the vibration of your lips. It creates different pitches when you control the size of the opening of your mouth. Thus, with experience and practice, i guess you can whistle many unique sounds.
Whistling can be musical. There are performers on who were professional whistlers, having some notable songs featuring whistling.
Whistling is definitely not merely a method of calling or gaining someone's attention. But, how do we actually whistle? (I can't whistle also...)

From: ""
Step 1) Purse your lips into a tiny O shape, leaving a small opening for air.

Step 2) Place the tip of your tongue behind your bottom teeth or against your inside bottom gums.

Step 3) Gently blow air through your mouth.

Step 4) Adjust your tongue position and the small O opening formed by your lips until you hear a pitch.

Step 5) Once you can sound one note, experiment with your tongue position and the strength of your breath to produce different notes. Isn't it interesting?

Step 6) Practice makes perfect, so, i guess we just have to keep on practising

Well having a better understanding of how to whistle, I hope that I can learn to whislte soon, so that I can finally find an insturument that is a part of me, like an organ:D Wish you all the best!

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