Monday, June 22, 2009

Is progress necessarily benificial for society?

In my opinion, progress is definitely not necessarily benificial for society. Although it might benifit society, it is not necessary.

For example, vehicles that emit harmful gases were built to convenince people. However, this change is not necessary. In the past, people use horses as means of transport which does not harm the earth. If people from the past can live life without this progress, why can't we?

Another reason why t is not necessarily benificial is that it has harm other innocent victms. When factories are built, forest are burnt to make way for it. Animals living there will lose their homes and have nowhere to live. People living near by will get affected by the haze around. Tal buildings are also built by clearing land. Farmers will lose their jobs and there will be less food produce. So we humans put chemicals into chickens so that they can reproduce faster, which is bad for our health.

Our society is already damaged so harshly, do we still have to let it continue? Therefore, i feel that progress is not necessarily benificial for our society.

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