Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sad April Fool's Day

Today is April Fool's Day. I was expecting a somewhat joyful day at school. Unfortunately, things did not turned out as expected. I fell ill and had to stay at home. I had already visited a doctor the previous night. It was quite sad that i did not manage to go to school and instead rest at home all day. I also missed a few events due to this terrible illness.
This includes:
  • Exchange for new e-z link card
  • 2.4km run

My whole day is ruined. I did not have the fun to trick my friends today. well, on the bright side, I was not tricked. Today just can't get any worse.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sarimbun Scout Camp

On the 11th of march, I had a camp at Sarimbun campsite. It is a 3-day 2-night camp. I had a hard time gathering the essential items for the camp. At the camp, under the sweltering sun, I got a sunburn on my shoulders. We slept in the tents for the two nights.
On the first day, we waited for a very long time for our meals. We had to cheer a lot before could fill our stomachs. The first day had little activities, including campfire preparations, Problem Solving activities etc. I could not sleep well on that night well firstly because I was not very tired, secondly, there was much noise outside the tents. Some inconsiderate pupils were the culprits.
On the second day, we had a longer string of activities, including fitness games, team-building games, rafting etc. In these activities, we learnt to work as a team by working out solutions for the different problems we face. We also cheered enthusiastically whenever possible, to both practice for the campfire and to earn more bonus points. It was a long day. I inevitably slept the very moment i lied down on my sleeping bag.
On the last day, we stike down the tents and cleaned the messy campsite up. We also packed our items before we had our prize presenttion and debrief. Fortunately for our entire group's (pony league) effort, we managed to stand out amongst the 24 groups and won ourselfs a prize (yeah). The best part was when we left the campsite. Home sweet home.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A new term

Without much notice, another term has ended. After this first term in my new school, I have gained new knowledge. This term has been fruitful. I have learnt many new skills through the various activities organised for the pupils which includes the FPSP workshop and the science research modules. These programs has benefited me in one way or another. I have acquired useful tips to aid me in both academic and my everyday life. I am also settled down in my new school already. New friends, new CCAs, new subjects and new teachers. This new beginning has already turned into an old start. I am coping well. will strive harder for term 2. Not to forget, there are much more challenges up ahead. I better get well-prepared to face the perhaps stressful activities in the upcoming new term.