Saturday, January 31, 2009

The eclipse

This Chinese New Year was arrived together with a very special and unusual occurrence. There was an eclipse. This happens when the moon is between earth and the Sun, and some light from the Sun will be blocked. it was the first solar eclipse tat happened this year. It was also said that it was the clearest seen in a decade, where about 80% of the fiery ball was not seen. About 6400 people gathered at the Singapore' Science Centre to witness this rare sight. I was there, too. The staff and some volunteers from the Singapore' Science Centre gave out some glasses to protect our eyes from the harmful rays given out by the sun. It was only with this equipment that we could look at the Sun without harming our eyes. I was lucky enough to get one of these glasses as there were limited glasses . There were also pinhole cameras to get a clearer view of the solar eclipse. The solar eclipse became alittle more obvious at 4.30p.m. in the afternoon. I was astounded at first. Part of the Sun seemed to be eaten up. Then, after a while, i managed to get a clearer view of the phenomenon. Then, at about 5.4p.m., the visibility dipped due to thick clouds. Despite squinting my eyes, I was unable to catch a view of the Sun. Many people were disappointed as the eclipse was clearest then, but it was impossible to see it. I also left together with some of the crestfallen crowd. Still, this was definitely a unique, incredible way of ushering the new year.

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