Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nuisance callers dial up a 999 logjam.

I was reading today’s newspaper (Home section) and noticed a captivating article on people who abuse the use of emergency calls to the police.
In the recent years, there have been many cases of pranksters swamping police hotline while some others treat it as a phone directory or complain bureau.

One irate man called after midnight to rant about a group creating a din at a coffe shop. Another caller queried the officers on how she could claim the arrears in her salary. From this incident, we can see how Singaporeans abuse these resources.

K. Shanmugam Second Minister of Home Affairs said that last year, amongst the 1.5 million calls received, 6 out of 10 calls were nuisance calls. Most of this calls were about complains of noisy neighbours or disrupting work sites.

I feel that this article is an event-driven one. There is no obvious sign of any shocking happenings in the first few paragraphs. It has great emphasis on the subject of nuisance calls and it shows how we abuse the use of these resources. It also tells us the thoughts of the police officers regarding this issue and how this will affect them in their job. Furthermore, we can gain more information on how to be a good citizen by abiding by the rule including dialling 999 only for emergencies. It also inform us on what grave danger can our seemingly minor mistake cause. It also gives examples on how some inconsiderate citizens misuse this resource.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Today, we had a talk about bullying during assembly session. Intrigued by this topic, I have decided to write a short post about it. There are many types of bullying, including physical bullying, verbal bullying, cyber bullying. These are the common few of the many various types. The most typical one is of course the physical bullying. It is when you use brutal force against someone you think is weaker. Verbal bullying includes hurling abusive words or taunting and teasing someone. Cyber bullying includes writing offensive words to others or critisising someone and this is becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that a computer has become quite a necessity for everyone in a competitive country like Singapore.
Someone also raised a very relevant point that bullies do not always bully to intimidate others or extort(money, items etc.). Some bullies bully to attract attention not only from their peers, but sometimes also from their parents and teachers. Some want their peers to think highly of them or regard them as a brave, but there always be this minority who wants attention from parents or teachers. They usually feel neglected or inferior to others usually in terms of academics. They want more attention so that they will fell less inferior or neglected as they will be getting the same amount of attention as compared to their more notable peers or siblings. Perhaps this is just a natural reaction os some children when they face this problem. Therefore, I think that it is not entirely the child's fault. Parents, teachers, they play an important part too. They, as adults, should be more aware of how children feel towards the lack of attention. I think adults should treat children equally to avoid this from happening. This is what i feel about this special topic.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


The tests are coming! Chinese, Math, Science< geography... It is driving me crazy! In order to do well for these test, i am trying my best to revise my work. I have less play time and my mind is going crazy! Were you as flustered as i am during the tests period? Despite my busy schedule, I will still find time for some relaxation so that I would not go crazy, but during my 15 minute breaks, I will still be concered about my work. There are just too many things to revise that I can only go through them once. I wonder how my classmates are doing. I will try to be persistent and hope that my hard work wil pay off. Oops, i got to go revise now.